





  Do you have any strong opinion on coeducational or singlesex schools?

  A supporter of coeducational schools would probably say that schools should be like the societies they belong to .In Hong Kong , men and women mix socially on a daytoday basis .In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses .It is ,therefore, desirable that boys and girls grow up together ,go to school together ,and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual separation.

  Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development .Regular contact (接触)can remove the strange ideas about the oppositesex and lead to more natural relationships .Singlesex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme opinions, and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性恋),though there is no proof that this is the case.

  Those who are against coeducation often also fix their attention on the sexual side .Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers .They want their children to be attentive to their studies .Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.

  A stronger argument comes from research into school results .Girls grow up earlier than boys ,tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages .In a mixed class ,boys who might do well in a singlesex class become discouraged and take on the rule of troublemaker .Certainly in the UK this situation has greatly alarmed (惊动)the government for it to be encouraging coeducational schools to have some singlesex classes .In the UK the best schools are all singlesex ,strongly suggesting that coeducation is not the best answer .This may ,however ,not be as simple as it looks .It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be singlesex ,rather than that being singlesex makes them better schools.

  72.In the third paragraph ,by saying “though there is no proof that this is the case” ,the writer means that .

  A.students in singlesex schools will certainly become homosexual

  B.students in coeducational schools cannot have extreme opinions

  C.students in coeducational schools are likely to be homosexual

  D.singlesex school conditions may or may not have effects on the students.

  73.All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that .

  A.coeducation can produce a societylike situation

  B.coeducational schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girls

  C.coeducation will help develop a better understanding about the opposite sex

  D.coeducation can make boys perform well in mixed classes

  74.Alarmed by the situation ,the UK government encourages .


  B.singlesex education

  C.singlesex classes in coeducational schools

  D.coeducational classes in singlesex schools

  75.At the end of the passage the writer suggests that .

  A.singlesex schools are the best schools in the UK

  B.being singlesex does not necessarily make a school better

  C.coeducational schools are better for both sexes in personal development

  D.because boys cannot compete with girls in study ,they go to singlesex schools


  72.D 73.D 74.C 75.B


  Goods must be of proper quality ,must be as described on the package and must be fit for any particular purpose made known by the seller .Those three rules used for the goods you buy can also be used for the goods you get on hire ,or for the goods you get as part of a service.

  There are also rules which deal with the standard of services you get—from ,say ,travel agents ,shoe repairers ,hairdressers and builders. These tell you what you should expect from any service you pay for.

  A person providing a service must do so:

  —With reasonable care and skill .You should expect a proper standard of workmanship(工艺). A new house should have straight walls and the roof must not leak .

  —Within a reasonable time. A shop should not take three months to repair your TV. You can always agree upon a completion time with the supplier of the service.

  You ,the customer ,must pay:

  —A reasonable charge for a service, where no price has been fixed in advance .A trader can not expect a large payment for a small job.

  64.The underlined word “these” in Paragraph 2 refers to “ ”.

  A.the services B.the workers C.the goods D.the rules

  65.What should the supplier do when offering a service?

  A.He should determine the completion time himself.

  B.He should provide free repairs within three months.

  C.He should make sure the service meets proper standards.

  D.He should reach an agreement on the payment with his workers.

  66.The passage is trying to .

  A.ask the customer to buy goods and services of high quality

  B.advise the buyer how to pay a reasonable price for a service

  C.tell the customer what rights he has once he pays for something

  D.warn the seller what he sells must meet the buyer’s requirements


  64.D 65.C 66.C

