





  South Africa Safari Top Five National Parks and Game Reserves

  A South Africa safari is the ideal wildlife trip to go on because the infrastlructure andaccommodation issuperb in all the wildlife parks there and it is still highly affordable incomparison to other African countries.

  But given a choice some of the national parks and game reserves are better than others.

  Here is a top five list ranking them according to travel reports received at the African SafariJournals website,my safari experience of twenty plus years,industry forums.magazines and thegeneral consensus of the experts.

  l.Kruger National Park

  The Kruger National Park has to rank as one of the best South Africa safari destinations,onlyslightly behind the Masai Mara and Serengeti when it comes to wildlife viewing because thevegetation in Kruger can bedense and sometimes impair the ability co see longer distances.

  But the variety of animals,birds and ecosystems that you can experience here are unparalleledanywhere else in Africa and the accommodation,roads and facilities are top notch and all at avery affordable price.

  It's not unusual to see lion,leopard,cheetah,a pack of wild dog,rhino,elephant,buffalo and awhole host ofantelope.crocodile and hippo in the course of a single trip including a variety ofinsects and reptiles.

  On the bird front you will be spoiled with a seemingly neverending supply ofeagles,hawks,water birds anda host of migratory and indigenous species to the tune ofabout 510 different varieties.

  You can easily do a self drive safari here and still see a decent amount of wildlife especially ifyou stick to the central and southern portions of this massive park (larger than Ireland).Thenorth has fewer animals due to dryer conditions but also fewer tourists which makes for a moreisolated and intimate wildlifeexperience.

  If variety is the spice of life then a South Africa safari in the Kruger National Park is a rich dishindeed.

  2.Sabi Sands Game Reserve

  Sharing a fenceless bordcr on the western side of the Kruger National Park is the Sabi Sandsgame reserve which has a number of world famous private concessions like Mala Mala,Sabi Sabiand Londelozi.

  The removal of the fence between the two parks allows the animals to move around freely andthe game viewing experience is just as in the Kruger National with one importantdifference.Because this reserve is privately held,off road game tracking is allowed whichimproves your chances of finding the elusive big cats,elephant,rhino,buffalo and wild dog to alarge degree.They also make use of two way radios in each safari vehicle so that if one findssomething noteworthy the others can be alerted.

  The sand and sabi rivers which bisect the reserve provide the focal point which attracts thewildlife to the area especially in the dry season.

  So viewing the big cats on a South Africa safari here is virtually guaranteed and theaccommnodation is some of the best in the world as illustrated by the Singita lodge which wasthe first and only accommodationin the history of the Conde Nast Gold List Reader Poll to get aperfect 100 score, an honour it has held for three years.There are about thirty different topclass lodges situated in the reserve.

  But this all comes at a price and unless you have reasonably deep pockets,this fantasticreserve will be out of reach which is why it doesn't get the Nr.one ranking for South Africasafari national parks and reserves.

  3.Hluhluwe Umfolozi National Park

  If you want to see the endangered black and white rhinos in the wild then this is the park tohead for because this is where the inexorable tide to extinction for the white rhino inSouthern Africa was stemmed.

  It now boasts the largest population of while rhino in the world numbering over l,600 and alsoa slowly increasing population of black rhino at just over 400.

  On a South Africa safari here you will also be able to see lion,leopard,buffalo,elephant andcheetah in this park and more than 400 bird species have been recorded.Due to the largenumber of resident elephants you might have some close encounters witht them on the roadsas they cross in front of you.

  You can go for a daily walk in the park in the company of an armed ranger or you can do aseveral day extended hike in the southern Umfolozi portion.

  4.Madikwe Game Reserve

  This is a latter day Noah's ark story because most of the wildlife contained in this park wasrelocated here from other areas in 1991.

  Twenty seven different species amounting to over lO,OOO head of game were reintroducedinto this area where they once thrived but had disappeared because of hunting and habitatdestruction.

  A huge advantage of taking a South Africa safari in this park is that it is not situated in amalaria areaso you don't have to bother about taking malaria tablets as you do in most otherreserves.

  All of the big five are on view here as well as cheetah and the rare wild dog packs which are thestars orthe show here being regularly sighted patrolling their huge territories.Your chances ofseeing them seem to be better here than most other parks.

  Rare amtelope like the eland.gemsbok and sable put in an appearance here too and you will beable to enjoyyour wildlife viewing in relative peace and isolation because not many tourists knowabout this excellent game reserve.

  5.Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

  The locals know that this is an excellent game park and it falls into that“best keptsecret”category that each country seems to have where for some unknown reason a reservedoesn't get the notice from tourists and safari companies that it deserves.

  Maybe it's because this reserve is set in the Kalahari desert and people don't normallyassociate deserts with lots of wildlife but there are always exceptions to the rule and thisSouth Africa safari park qualifies.

  You can see some pretty specialised and very interesting game here such as the gemsbokantelope which can go for months without water.springbok,blue wildebeest,eland and redhartebeest.

  And wherever there is a good supply of antelope,the predators are never far away such as theblack maned lions which this area has a disproportionate supply off,leopard and cheetah whichcan make full use of the wide open spaces to chase their prey at top speed.

  The meerkat (suricate) is also regularly seen here and bat eared foxes contribute to thescavenging duties.

  This South Africa park is famous for birds of prey such as the pygmy falcon and the sociableweaver which builds nests which are the bird equivalent of apartment blocks that aresometimes so big they break the branches they rest on.

  There are hundreds of companies offering safari trips to South Africa.This Top Safari in SouthAfrica operators list helps you choose effectively between them.

  South Africa safari trip reports give you a great idea of what to expect from a trip like this bylearningfrom other peoples travel experiences.







  [1]克鲁格国家公园应该被列为最佳南非旅行目的地之一,当然就野生生物景观而言,稍逊于马萨伊玛拉(Masaj Mara)和塞伦盖蒂(Serengeti),因为克鲁格国家公园的植被很浓密,有时会有碍于人们向远处观望。







  克鲁格国家公园的西边与塞比沙滩野生动物保护区共同拥有一条不设栅栏的边界。[4]塞比沙难野生动物保护区内有许多世界著名的私人拥有的区域,如Mala Mala,Sabi Sabi和Londelozi。



  所以,这绝对保证你在这里进行南非旅行时能观赏大型猫科动物,而且住宿条件是世界上最佳的,正如Singita旅馆所证明的,它是Conde Nast金名单读者民意测验史上第一家也是唯一一家得到满分100分,它的这一荣誉保持了三年。[6]这个保护区内有大约三十家品味不同的高级旅馆。


  3.Hluhluwe Umfolozi国家公园






















  l.Among the South Africa Safari destinations.the Masai Mara is the best one for_________________.

  A) hiking

  B) wildlife watching

  C) bird viewing

  D) selfdrive frip

  2.In the Kruger National Park,you can find as many as 510 kinds of__________________.

  A) predators

  B) insects

  C) reptiles

  D) birds

  3.In the Kruger National Park.comparatively fewer tourists go to its________________.

  A) western part

  B) eastern part

  C) northern part

  D) southern part

  4.Mala Mala is one of the world famous private concessions which are located in____________.

  A) the Kruger National Park

  B) Sabi Sands game reserve

  C) Sabi Sabi

  D) Londelozi

  5.Sabi Sands game reserve allows tourists to track the wild game off road because______________.

  A) it is fenceless

  B) it borders the Kruger National Park

  C) each car is equipped with a twoway radio

  D) it is privately owned

  6.How many top class lodges are there in the Sabi Sands game reserve?

  A) About lOO.

  B) About 30.

  C) Only two.

  D) Only three.

  7. The largest population of white rhino in the world can be found in__________________.

  A) Sabi Sands Game Reserve

  B) Hluhluwe Umfolozi National Park

  C) Madikwe Game Reserve

  D) Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

  8.When tourists want to have a daily walk in the Hluhluwe Umfolozi National Park,they must beescorted by_______________.

  9.Twenty seven different specics of wildlife were reintroduced into Madikwe Game Reserve after their extinction due to______________.

  10.Gemsbok is one kind of specialized and interesting antelopes because it___________________.




  1.[B][定位]根据题中的Masai Mara查找到第1个小标题1.Kruger National Park部分的首段。

  解析:原文该句中的the Masai Mara...when it comes to wildlife viewing表明本题应选B,其他选项在该段均未提及,与the Masai Mara无关。

  2.[D][定位]根据题干中的Kruger National Park查找到第1个小标题1.Kruger National Park部分的第4段。

  解析:原文该段的话题是“鸟类”,510 different varieties指的是5l0种不同的鸟类,因此本题应选D。

  3.[C][定位]根据题干中的tourists查找到第1个小标题1.Kruger National Park部分的第5段末句。

  解析:原文该句中的The north...less tourists表明本题应选C,选项D在该段首句也有提及,但不符合题意,其他两个选项并未提及。

  4.[B][定位]根据题干中的Mala Mala查找到第2个小标题2.Sabi Sands Game Reserve部分的首段。

  解析:题目中的Mala Mala在原文该段的定语从句中提及,该定语从句的先行词为 the Sabi Sands game reserve.表明 Mala Mala位于the Sabi Sands game reserve里面,因此本题应选B。

  5.[D][定位]根据题干中的off road查找到第2个小标题2.Sabi Sands Game Reserve部分的第2段第2句。


  6.[B][定位]根据题干中的top class lodges查找到第2个小标题2.Sabi Sands Game Reserve部分的第4段末句。


  7.[B][定位]根据题干中的white rhino查找到第3个小标题3.Hluhluwe Umfolozi National Park部分的第2段。

  解析:根据关键词可将题目所在的段落定位于文章第3个小标题Hluhluwe Umfolozi National Park部分,由此可见本题应选B,其他选项均与white rhino无关。本题可利用出题的顺序性,先在第2个小标题和第3个小标题下面的部分寻找,找到在第3个小标题下第2段的出处后,其他两个选项就无须再看了。

  8.[an armed ranger]

  [定位]根据题干中的daily walk等词查找到第3个小标题3.Hluhluwe UmfoloziNational Park部分的末段。

  解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。原文中的in the company of和题目中的escort都有“陪伴”的含义,由此可见,of后的介词宾语an armed ranger就是本题答案。

  9.[hunting and habitat destruction]

  [定位]根据题干中的Twenty seven等词查找到第4个小标题4.Madikwe Game Reserve部分的第2段。

  解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。本题要求查找的是造成以前物种灭绝的原因,原文以because of引出该原因,because of和due to同义,因此because of引出的名词词组即为本题答案。

  10.[can go for months without water]

  [定位]根据题干中的Gemsbok等词查找到最后一个小标题5.Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park部分的第3段。

  解析:空白处应为从句的谓语部分,可包括动词及其宾语。原文该句中which引出的定语从句描述了gemsbok这种羚羊的特点,这个从句是为了举例说明该句中的specialized and interesting game,由此可见,which引出的从句解释了作者认为gemsbok有趣的原因。要注意的是,which引出的从句到water一词就结束了,接下来的springbok,blue wildebeest等词可根据它们的构词推断它们应该是和gemsbok一样都是羚羊的品种,并非是water一词的并列成分。

