



Odds and ends: 各种不值钱的小物品。"Every year, we have to clear the rooms of all odds and ends."

Oddities and absurdities: 异样或不合情理的感觉。"Sometimes, we have to bear with the oddities and absurdities of language use."

Bits and pieces: 零星物件。"The storeroom is filled with bits and pieces. Can't someone arrange them properly?"

Aches and pains: 周身疼痛。"After a day's hard work, the old man suffered aches and pains, especially in the limbs."

Board and lodging: 食宿。"I paid about 0 for board and lodging when I studied in the U.S. in 1969."

Chapter and verse: (常和动词 give 或 quote 连用)注明……的出处或详情。"Jason knows all the important points in this book and can give you chapter and verse without hesitation."

Hammer and tongs: (常和 go at it 连用)闹哄哄地争吵。"At a political meeting, many participants went at it hammer and tongs for quite a while."

Heaven and earth: (常和动词 move 连用)竭尽全力。"When a government is good, the people will move heaven and earth to support it."

Hue and cry: 嘈杂声。"When it was learned that some workers would be laid off, there was a hue and cry among them."

Hustle and bustle: 喧闹。"One can often see hustle and bustle in a place with crowds of unruly people."

Ifs and buts: 各种借口。"No ifs and buts, please! Just work according to the schedule."

Rack and ruin: (常和 go to 连用)遭破坏。"Owing to urban renewal, even historic spots are going to rack and ruin."

Stuff and nonsense: 胡说八道。"Is Tom asking to leave the party? Stuff and nonsense! I bet that would be the last thing for him to do."

Ups and downs: 盛衰;浮沉。"For many people, life is full of ups and downs."

Wear and tear: 耗损。"Because of wear and tear, a car needs regular servicing."

Bright and breezy: 活泼轻快的。"Joelle is bright and breezy; everyone likes her."

Cut and dried: 早已决定的。"The program is cut and dried; it is not possible to make changes now."

Rough and ready: 粗略的。"I cannot dwell on the use of English determiners, but you can follow the rough and ready rules."

Spick and span: 崭新的;极整洁的。"Despite being busy, Mrs. Chen manages to keep the house spick and span."

Short and sweet: 简短扼要。"Everybody is too busy to listen to a longwinded story, so try to keep it short and sweet."

