







​One day the staff members of a zoo called a meeting to discuss the problemhow to deal with the kangaroos that were found out of the cage. They came to the conclusion that the cage was placed too low and decided to raise it from one to two meters high. But the next day the kangaroos were still at large and they again raised the cage to three meters.

Quite beyond their expectation the next morning they saw the kangaroos still free to go about. They were alarmed and determined to go to all the length by raising the cage to the height of ten meters.

Later a giraffe, while chatting with some kangaroos, asked them, “Do you think they will go on raising your cage?”

“Hard to say,” said a kangaroo, “if they continue forgetting to fasten the cage door.”

有一天,动物园的管理员们发现袋鼠从笼子里跑出来了, 于是开会讨论,完全一样觉得是笼子的高度过低,故此,他们决定将笼子的高度由原来的1米加高到2米。结果次日他们发现,袋鼠还是跑到外面来,故此,他们又决定再将高度加高到3米。

没想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全跑到外面,于是管理 员们大为慌张,决定一不做二不休,将笼子的高度加高到10米。

一天,长颈鹿和几只袋鼠在闲聊,“你们看,这些人 会不会再继续加高你们的笼子?”长颈鹿问。



 By the Almshouse Window瓦尔都窗前的一瞥

  NEAR the grasscovered rampart which encirclesCopenhagen lies a GREat red house. Balsams andother flowers greet us from the long rows ofwindows in the house, whose interior is sufficientlypovertystricken; and poor and old are the peoplewho inhabit it. The building is the WartonAlmshouse.


The Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust.

He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river."

He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them.

Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.







结论: 需清晰简洁,具有吸引力和趣味性。解释原因:在朋友圈分享英语童话剧的文案,需考虑到读者群体,尽可能让文案易懂、容易吸引人。同时,也要注重趣味性,使读者有兴趣去了解和参加。内容延伸:可以从以下哪些方面进行文案设计:1.融入童话元素,用童话故事中的角色或情节吸引读者。2.突出英语学习的重要性,让读者认识到学习童话剧不仅可以享受故事的乐趣,还可以提升英语水平。比如,可以用“Learn English with Fun”作为文案。3.语句虽然短小简洁,但表达能力却非常丰富,用简短的语言表达主旨,让读者在迅速浏览中就可以理解并记住文案的主要内容。








1. 确定文案的主题和内容,比如英语童话剧表演。

2. 用简洁明了的语言表达对孩子们表演的赞赏和感慨,比如展现英语口语能力、表演才华和团队Team合作精神等。

3. 表达对孩子们成长的希望和祝福,比如期望他们能继续保持努力和热情,成为更好的自己。

4. 结合自己的情感和感受,用真诚的语言表达对孩子们的支持和鼓励,比如感到很骄傲和感动。

5. 在文案中加入一定程度上的表情符号和图片,增多文案的趣味性和吸引力。


1. We had a magical time performing our English fairy tale play! The audience was entranced by the charming story and the talented actors. (我们进行了一场英语童话剧演出,观众深深地陶醉在这个迷人的故事和出色的演员表演中。)

2. Performing in our schools English fairy tale play was a great way to improve our language skills and have fun at the same time! We cant wait for our next performance. (在学校的英语童话剧中演出是提升语言技能和玩乐的绝佳方法!我们已经迫不及待地期待下一次演出。)

3. We brought some of our favorite fairy tale characters to life in our English play, from Cinderella to Red Riding Hood. It was a real treat to perform in front of our friends and family. (我们通过英语剧本将一部分最喜爱的童话角色带到了现实中,涵盖“灰姑娘”和“小红帽”。在亲朋好友面前表演是一种很美好的享受。)

4. Our English fairy tale play was a huge success, thanks to the hard w_

1. 带上童话剧的名字和角色:比如,“Playing the role of Snow White in the English play ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ was such an amazing experience! #SnowWhite #EnglishPlay”

2. 感谢同台演员和老师:比如,“Thank you to my amazing cast and our dedicated teacher for making the English play ‘The Wizard of Oz’ such a success! #TheWizardofOz #EnglishPlay”

3. 分享剧照或视频:比如,“Check out this photo from my English play ‘Alice in Wonderland’! I had so much fun playing Alice! #AliceinWonderland #EnglishPlay”

4. 引用经典台词:比如,“‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?’ #SnowWhite #EnglishPlay”

5. 感受收获和成长:比如,“Playing the role of the Cowardly Lion in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ was challenging, but I learned so much about myself and grew as an actor. #TheWizardofOz #EnglishPlay”







Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

  One day the rooster said to his hens, Go into the kitchen and pick up the breadcrumbs from the table. Our mistress has gone out visiting.

  the hens said, No, no, we wont go. If our mistress finds out, she will beat us.

  then the rooster said, She wont know anything about it. Come on. She never gives us anything good.

  then the hens said once again, No, no. Not ever. We are not going in there.

  But the rooster would give them no peace until they finally got onto the table and began to eat the breadcrumbs with all their might. Just then the mistress came home, quickly took hold of a stick, drove them off the table and gave them a good beating.

  Once outside the house, the hens said to the rooster, Dont you see, see, see, see, see, see, see?

  the rooster laughed and said, Didnt I know it, know it, know it?

  And they went their way.



